As you may have noticed, I have fallen off the blogging radar for the last year or so.  No, I didn’t lose my love of writing or quietly run away to Timbuktu (but don’t think I haven’t considered it!)  It’s just… well, life!  I have about 20 different blog posts started.  But the finishing, fine-tuning, and posting of deep-Sarah-thoughts just doesn’t end up ranking very high on the daily to-do list.  In fact it usually falls well behind glamorous and exciting tasks such as laundry, dishes, and feeding the cows.  Sigh.

But I still have so much to say.  (I hear those snickers from the peanut gallery!)  So I’ve decided to give up on the long read for the moment and just shoot out timely quotes, and yes, even a few of my own quips from time to time.  So here we go!

This morning I was re-reading a quote from one of my all-time favorite authors, John Eldredge.  I’d like to share it with you.  It’s from a newsletter of his, back in 2014.  But as far as my life is concerned it could have been written yesterday.


“You cannot run at the pace of the World and hope to have God.
You just can’t.  The World has gone mad; people’s lives have no margin for their own soul, let alone for God.”


In context, he’s talking about making hard choices about what to include in, and what to exclude from your life.  You can’t do everything and still be sane, let alone have enough built-in stillness to cultivate genuine relational intimacy with God.  Just because the Joneses do it doesn’t mean it’s what God has for you.

There’s so much I could say about this concept!  But if I got into all of that, these thoughts would turn into yet another journal entry instead of coming to you as a blog post.  So I’ll just leave you with this.  Go ahead and leave some margin in your day.  Take a walk with God.  Tell Him what you love of what you see around you, and ask Him to speak to your heart as well.  Take a moment and work in your garden.  Ask Him to meet you there.

And to quote an even better author than John Eldredge, He will “Make you lie down in green pastures.  He restores your soul.”  (Ps 23).

Give Him a chance to do just a bit of that today.


We wave goodbye and watch as the van pulls away…